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Thank you for visiting our website.  We are a Christian church that is rooted in the leadership of the apostles who were directly taught by Jesus Christ.  Those apostles pursued Christ-centered witness and ministry.  Through them and countless generations of bishops and teachers, we have received a faith tradition that is biblical, sacramental, and Spirit-filled.


What shapes our Christian outlook?  Our approach to daily Christian life is founded on and developed by:

  1. Teachings from Jesus and his Apostles,

  2. The Western Church heritage that resulted from missionaries such as Peter and Paul,

  3. Historic summaries of belief in the Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed,

  4. Features of the Protestant Reformation such as the Anglican Thirty Nine Articles of Religion as well as current initiatives for church renewal,

  5. Blessings from other Christian faith settings earlier in our individual walks with the LORD, and

  6. Modeling the example of our namesake.


            We are named after a person who followed Jesus Christ from early days in church history.  Joseph Barnabas was highly respected for faithful and generous support of others.  The apostles of Jesus called him “Barnabas” which means “son of encouragement.” 


            Our life together as a parish began in 2006.  Along the way, we sought to follow the example of Barnabas and be “encouragers.”  To request prayer and seek other support during times of physical and spiritual need, please contact us at:

                                                                                                                                                                or (904) 745-7880.


            What is our main Sunday service like?  We follow a service order from the

2019 Book of Common Prayer, Anglican Church in North America.  Our worship services place great priority on praising God, hearing the written word of God, offering prayers for others and ourselves, and participating in Holy Communion also known as “The Lord’s Supper.”


            At the fourth question of the Baptismal Covenant the Priest asks a question based on Acts 2:42 in the New Testament.  “Will you continue in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in the prayers?”  The candidates, sponsors, and witnesses who are renewing their covenant answer, “I will with God’s help.”  We in St. Barnabas Anglican parish thank the LORD for calling us to life in Jesus Christ on this foundation that he established. 


​To God alone the honor and glory!


Father Gary Pollitt, Rector


Father John Eason,

  Rector Emeritus

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Father Pete Wait

Missionary in Residence


Founding clergy Fr. John Eason and Fr. Bruce Ford



(L-R) David Kirkland, Jean Murphy, Carmen Rose Baselice,  Chris D'Zamko- Junior Warden, Deanna Howard- Senior Warden, Fr. Gary Pollitt- Rector.

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