Living in the Light - April 15, 2018
Mother's day - May 14, 2017
Advent III - December 11, 2016
Sermon - October 30, 2016
Sermon - September 11, 2016

2140 St. Johns Bluff Road South, Jacksonville, FL 32246
Holy Communion - Sunday 10:30 AM and Wednesday 7:00 PM
(904)745-7880 Email: contact@stbarnabasanglican.com
Bp. Farmer Visit - 2024
Traditional Christ-centered ministry that is
Biblical, Sacramental, and Spirit-filled

The 2023 team met at the Prime Osborn Convention Center and packed nearly 600 packages of macaroni and cheese. We continue to support the Annual Thanksgiving Community Outreach food packing event every November.
Hunger Fight
St. Barnabas Parish Members, Jeff & Beth Boyd, Joe Mehrtens, Sandy Pond, Jim Richardson, Youlanda and Ukachi Davis & Joceyln. Not pictured are Tressa Dishman, Michelle Snow and Jim Ganderup.

Daughters of the Holy Cross, Grace Chapter, is committed to making disciples and serving Jesus through our Rule of Life: prayer, service, study, and evangelism. We pray for the clergy, staff and congregation as well as studying the Word of God to grow in our faith. Serving others and sharing the gospel is part of how Daughters live out our rule of life.
Our chapter meets once a month. Some meetings include ‘Lunch and Learn’ presentations with videos, etc., of appropriate subjects and church members are invited. Our service projects include making Manna Bags for the homeless, collecting medicines and supplies for our Holy Spirit Outreach, and providing support for our local schools.
Daughters of the Holy Cross
2023 Daughters of the Holy Cross, Grace Chapter, (Top L_R) Nancy Ford, Tressa Dishman, Beth Boyd, Valerie Sweat, Deanna Howard, Miriam Rickard, Becky Thomas, Ellen Whitbread, Loretta Baldwin.
Arlington Community Services
St. Barnabas supports the ministry of Arlington Community Services, an important outreach in our area. The ministry provides for those living in our community who need assistance with food, rent, utilities, etc. In February, 55 lbs. of food were delivered to ACS. Thank you for your support!! Contact Carmen Baselice.
Brookview Elementary School
St. Barnabas provides much needed school supplies to students and teachers to supplement decreasing budgets in the school systems. We also provide, as needed, refreshments to school leadership meetings. Contact Tressa Dishman for information.
Anglican Frontier Missions
St. Barnabas supports this ministry which is "dedicated to seeing churches rooted, established and multiplying among the largest unreached peoples on earth." -us.org. Contact Valerie Sweat for more information or visit the AFM website at www.afm-us.org.
Save a Man Ministry
"Save a Man" Ministry's founders, Kenny and Cathy Cofield have traveled the Southeast ministering to both male and female incarserated individuals, spreading the Gospel. See attached for more information.
Additional ministries within the church & contacts
Altar Guild
Anglican Church Women
Daughters of the Holy Cross
Lay Servers & Readers
Sound Technician
Vestry Secretary
Sandy Pond & Tressa Dishman
Valerie Sweat
Deanna Howard
Loretta Baldwin, Valerie Sweat
Tressa Dishman, President
Loretta Baldwin
Alan Rhodes
Carmen Faulkner
Jeff Boyd
Bob & Bronwyn Benoit
Jane McPherson, Webmaster

Additional ministries & organizations
Downtown Ecumenical Services Council www.descjax.org
Hunger Fight www.hungerfight.org